Our aim is to maintain the leadership of the sector as an efficient, profitable and respectable organization without compromising quality in our products and services. The success we'll achieve by following all the legal and regulatory rules will belong to every one of us. To use our resources effectively and meet demands and expectations of our stakeholders in a timely manner, continuously and with the desired quality by perceiving them in the best way. As Assan Panel, we aim to increase continuously the satisfaction of our customers, to take into account all types of warnings and suggestions, to learn from our mistakes in a management mindset in conformity with the total quality philosophy.


As ASSAN PANEL SAN. VE TIC. A.S., we are committed to ensuring the following within the framework of our total quality management mindset:

  • Maintaining a high level of motivation and improving employee satisfaction by ensuring mutual trust, respect, love, understanding, and communication among our employees;
  • Providing all of our employees with necessary training as required for improving quality awareness;
  • Promoting continuous improvement to integrate it into corporate culture;
  • Ensuring efficient use of our resources and promoting required investments;
  • Understanding the requirements and expectations of our stakeholders in the best way possible in order to continuously meet customer satisfaction of the desired quality in a timely manner;
  • Providing reliable, sustainable, and innovative solutions in line with customer requirements with utmost benefits; and
  • Ensuring a sustainable and sound growth together with our business partners in line with our corporate values.

Our goal is to minimize our impact on the nature by efficient management of environmental aspects in our products and services, hand down a habitable environment as a legacy to the next generations and maintain our position of being an industry leader as a reputable corporation.

We are committed to:

  • Using natural resources at the minimum level required in our plant;
  • Ensuring disposal of our hazardous and non-hazardous wastes with minimized environmental impact in line with their life cycle;
  • Collaborating with all stakeholders to carry out operations in a manner to protect the environment;
  • Ensuring full compliance of all environmental rules and criteria imposed by applicable standards, regulations, and laws at maximum level;
  • In cases where conditions may not be prevented, avoiding involvement in production activities which could have significant and negative impacts on the environment;
  • Prevention of pollution at its source and reduction of our wastes;
  • Implementation of new projects and practices to ensure review and continuous improvement in order to improve our environmental performance; and
  • Providing all of our employees with necessary training required for ensuring that our employees achieve a high level of environmental awareness.

These principles will be communicated to relevant parties using available means of communication and they will be able to provide their feedback and opinions.

The management will be responsible for continuous follow-up of the implementation of the policies and progress towards the goals subject to these commitments.


ASSAN PANEL SAN. TIC. A.S. prioritizes occupational health & safety matters as much as production and quality. Our goal is to create an accident-free workplace by implementing applicable occupational health & safety measures that are consistent and in compliance with all legal regulations and applicable terms and conditions. It is our mission to take preventive actions prior to any accident rather than engaging in corrective actions after an accident has already occurred.

Within this framework:

  • All employees should contribute to making occupational health & safety as a general practice by acting as role models. Each of our employees is responsible for complying with all resolutions made by our management and directors on occupational health & safety as well as acting as their own supervisors to ensure compliance.
  • All directors should act as a role model for our employees through their acts and behaviors. Each of our directors is responsible for monitoring whether the works performed comply with occupational health & safety rules based on audit and control procedures to be performed by such directors as well as taking all kinds of necessary actions as required.
  • As top management, we are responsible for providing all necessary tools, equipment, and apparatus required for all employees to perform their works in a safe manner as well as supporting relevant activities with necessary training.

ASSAN PANEL SAN. TIC. A.S. will pursue its determination to prioritize occupational health & safety by focusing on activities within this scope. With the OHS system established for this purpose, Assan Panel will continuously improve and develop OHS management and performance by ensuring prevention of injuries and health impairments.

As the senior management of ASSAN PANEL SAN. TIC. A.S., we are committed to ensure a healthy and safe work environment. We undertake to support all practices to achieve our goals in this respect.

Occupational health & safety is our common responsibility.


As Assan Panel San. ve Tic. A.S., we are committed to ensure the following within the scope of ISO/IEC 27001:

  • Ensuring security of information and data assets related to manufacturing Polyurethane (PUR), Polyisocyanurate (PIR), and Mineral Wool core roof, exterior wall, and cold room Sandwich Panels, Single-Layer Corrugated Sheets, Corrugated & Roller Sheets, Skylights (Polycarbonate Panels), and Accessories, customs and foreign trade operations related to such products as well as logistics, storage, accounting, finance, and data processing activities related to such operations, and taking necessary security measures used for the purpose of protecting such information and data assets;
  • Ensuring internal information security within the company in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations;
  • Performance measurement of information security procedure by ensuring risk management as well as ensuring regulation of relationships with third parties related to information security matters;
  • Promoting evaluation and mitigation of risks in line with the rules and principles on 3 key elements of information security system, i.e., confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility;
  • Maintaining a high level of motivation and improving employee satisfaction by ensuring mutual trust, respect, love, understanding, and communication among our employees;
  • Providing all procedure owners with necessary training to ensure continuous improvement and information security awareness within the scope of ISO 27001; and
  • Supporting necessary resources and investments as management against security breaches.
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